With domestic and world affairs in shambles, it is high time for President Obama to do the wave...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Stop the Iran deal
We took the show out to the South Lawn of the U.S. Capitol building to learn about why the American...
Why are laws only for the little people?
Americans are justly upset when members of the political elite somehow skate by legal consequences...
A mission of love
Gayle peers into the garbage slums of Cairo, Egypt with Ellen Vaughn, co-author of Mama Maggie: The...
Will Obama’s Iran Deal lead to peace or war?
What should Americans think about the Obama administration’s proposed nuclear deal with Iran...
If I were running for President
If I were running for President, I would give America bold new ideas. Share my platform with your...
Just who do we think we are?
Last week we received two momentous Supreme Court decisions on Obamacare and marriage, following a...
What have you done for your father lately?
Join my discussion with the Weekly Standard’s senior writer Jonathan Last for a rollicking...
Rating graduation speeches: why so few conservative speakers?
Graduation time each year brings great speeches and advice for those who choose to listen. Gayle...
Contrast in responses to Islamic terrorism
The Obama administration mishandled the terrorist threat posed by Islamic jihadism from day one by...
I believe Hillary Clinton
In February 1998, the incomparable Michael Kelly wrote one of his most memorable columns on the...
Why Hillary Clinton is not the woman for you
“Hillary Clinton represents the worst of the Washington machine,” said a cable TV ad by...
Hillary Clinton’s email, ethics eruptions and legal technicalities
Hillary Clinton’s inevitable announcement of her inevitable candidacy has brought inevitable...
Senator Mike Lee tells the story of our Constitution
Senator Mike Lee discusses his new book, Our Lost Constitution: The Willful Subversion of...
Senator Mike Lee: Telling the Story of Our Constitution and How to Restore it
I had an opportunity to sit down with Senator Mike Lee about his new book Our Lost Constitution:...
Obama capitulates to Iran, then dissembles and declares victory
The Obama administration is quite proud of its so-called framework with the Islamic Republic of...
Obama’s Dangerous Iran Deal
The Obama administration is quite proud of its so-called framework with the Islamic Republic of...
Crazy liberal bias in Barron’s AP test prep book
Justice prevails! I exposed crazy-left bias on Feb. 26, 2015, in Barron’s AP European test...
Contrasting responses to Islamic terrorism
This is the season of contrast in responses to Islamic terrorism. On the one hand, in the aftermath...
Publisher Apologizes for Comparing Clarence Thomas with KKK
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently emerged victorious when Barron’s, the test prep...
President Obama, Chief Justice Roberts and the Constitutional Do-Over
After a spectacular verbal wipeout at President Obama’s first inauguration, Mr. Obama and Chief...
Constitutional Do-Over
At his first inauguration, President Barack Obama and Chief Justice Roberts flubbed the...
Barron’s AP Test Prep Guide Reveals Crazy-Liberal Academic Bias
Those charting partisan tendencies in academia can mark a new low as even standardized test...
How Conservatives With Alligator Arms Lose Elections
I had an opportunity to sit down with radio host Steve Deace, to talk about the state of the...
James Buckley: Saving Congress From Itself
I had an opportunity to sit down with Senator James Buckley about his new book, “Saving...