The mainstream media is criticizing President Trump for encouraging Americans to go back to work or...
Author - Gayle Trotter
SCOTUS Blocks House Democrats from Trump Tax Records
The continuing saga of Trump’s tax returns . . . . . The SCOTUS decision was a clear win for...
Religious Liberty WIN for Little Sisters and ALL Americans
As Justice Thomas wrote in Wednesday’s, July 8, 2020 Supreme Court decision, “For over 150...
Gayle Trotter on EWTN re Little Sisters of the Poor SCOTUS case
I was on EWTN with Raymond Arroyo to discuss the recent Supreme Court decision on the Little...
Gayle Trotter on Breitbart News Daily – Recent Supreme Court Cases
I was on Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot to talk about recent Supreme Court decisions...
Gun-Free Zones and the Second Amendment
Attacks against the Second Amendment are unremitting. A new attack strategy seeks to repeal...
Faithless Electors Be Gone!
Can state electors cast their votes for whomever they chose in a presidential election? We...
Cultural Revolution, Trump and Mount Rushmore
Some American speeches go down in history as the right words, at the right time, by the right...
Time for some GOOD News!
Happy 4th of July! We all need some good news and in this episode, I talk about the record-breaking...
SCOTUS Rules in Favor of First Amendment Religious Rights
By a slim margin of 5 to 4, the Supreme Court struck down a state law that banned state aid to...
Attorney General Barr OWNS Biased NPR Interview
The liberal NPR recently interviewed Attorney General Bill Barr and asked him typically biased...
More Bad Law from the Chief Justice
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts and the four Democrat-nominated justices rules in favor of...
Supreme Court rules for Trump on immigration case
The Trump Administration won at the Supreme Court yesterday when the court decided by 7 votes to 2...
General Flynn for the Win
General Michael Flynn and his lawyer Sidney Powell won BIG TIME at the DC Appellate Court yesterday...
The Left is Targeting Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts
Time and again, some threatening rhetoric has swayed Chief Justice John Roberts in an important...
Democrats Threaten Election Integrity
“Democrats continue to try to redesign our entire election system mere months before November to...
Fired Manhattan US Attorney thinks he is above the US Constitution?!
Why is the clear language of our Constitution so difficult to understand for some people? Article...
Gayle Trotter on Supreme Court defying Trump Administration in DACA ruling
The judicial branch has just dumped buckets of sand into what should be a straight-forward process...
On Wilkow Majority – SCOTUS Decisions on DACA and more
I joined Andrew Wikow on his show, The Wilkow Majority on Patriot SiriusXM, to discuss recent...
Sidney Powell fights the Deep State Zombie Case Against Gen. Flynn
The political persecution of General Michael Flynn continues on. I wish I could report to you today...
Clarence Thomas: An American Treasure
The Left enjoys nothing better than demeaning those who disagree with them. Frequent targets of...
Gun Rights Update: Supreme Court Denies Second Amendment Cases #2A
Why does the SECOND AMENDMENT get NO LOVE from our current Supreme Court? This week, the Supreme...
FLYNN HEARING UPDATE: Deep State WAR Against Gen. Flynn Intensifies
General Michael Flynn faced the latest battle in the Deep State’s war against him last Friday. And...
Gayle Trotter on upcoming Supreme Court Decision on DACA
I was on Fox & Friends First early this morning to talk about the upcoming Supreme Court...
Gen. Michael Flynn Hearing Battle Coming!
General Flynn is facing the fight of his life this Friday. Instead of dropping the garbage charges...