I spoke with Anastasia Boden, an attorney in the Pacific Legal Foundation’s Economic Liberty Program, about the constitutional right to earn a living, and how the powers exercised by governors during Covid have harmed people and communities around the country. We also talked about certificate of need cases; a California law on a woman quota for boards; and what a conservative looks for in a good judge.
About the author
Gayle Trotter
Gayle Trotter is a ‘liberty-loving and tyranny-hating’ conservative attorney, political analyst and author with an insider’s view of Washington, DC. She is the host of RIGHT IN DC: The Gayle Trotter Show and is a frequent commentator on TV news such as NewsMax, OAN, EWTN, Daily Caller and Fox. She contributes to The Hill, The Daily Caller, Townhall and other well-known political websites, and is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country. Read More
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