Republicans in the House and Senate continue to pursue their investigations into wrongdoing by the...
Author - Gayle Trotter
5 Reasons the World is Not Ending & Things are Getting BETTER
Take heart! I give five reasons why things are getting better. WATCH: LISTEN: Right In DC: The...
Senate #OBAMAGATE Investigation Hearing Updates
Will the Senate Judiciary Committee do anything to stop the political weaponization of our federal...
“Grossly Negligent” Rod Rosenstein in the Hot Seat: Day 1 of Crossfire Hurricane Investigation Hearing
Rod Rosenstein appeared yesterday before the Senate Judiciary Committee as the first witness as...
Protests, rioting, abuse of power, and the deaths of George Floyd and Wes Unseld
We’re living in Alice in Wonderland–everything is upside down. What does it mean to be...
QUESTIONS FOR OBAMA #5: Why did your IC leaders LIE about collusion?
Final question of the five questions that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the...
QUESTIONS FOR OBAMA #4: Why did DOJ learn about Flynn calls from YOU?
Now on number four of the five questions that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the...
Democrats warn of ‘captured’ federal courts as Republicans push judicial confirmations
President Trump and the Senate leadership have been disciplined and focused on confirming excellent...
QUESTIONS FOR OBAMA #3: Why was Gen. Flynn’s identity LEAKED?
Continuing through the five questions that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the...
QUESTIONS FOR OBAMA #2: Why did your Administration UNMASK Gen. Flynn?
We’re going through the five questions that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said...
QUESTIONS FOR OBAMA #1: Why did you SPY on the Trump Campaign?
I’m going to through the five questions that White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany...
Flynn Case Update; Biden VP Pick
In this episode, I go over the latest court response to the emergency petition filed by Gen...
Flynn Fights Back!
General Michael Flynn’s lawyers fought back at the outrageous actions of Judge Emmet Sullivan...
New Clarence Thomas Documentary • Democrat Hypocrisy Towards Trump • Lockdown in DC
In this episode, I share my thoughts on three things: first is the new documentary on Supreme Court...
Should Red States Bailout Blue States?
Today we look at an issue the Wall Street Journal brought up — should Florida bail out New...
Gayle Trotter on the Andrew Wilkow Show – Flynn Case
I was on the Andrew Wilkow Show on SiriusXM to talk about the outrageous treatment of Gen. Flynn...
Obama admin. threw privacy & fair play into the garbage when they spied on Americans for political purposes
What is the most important political story we’re experiencing right now? The dramatic...
Deep State Judge Appoints Anti-Trump Partisan Against Gen. Flynn
Just when you think it can’t be crazier or worse, the judge overseeing the Flynn case goes one step...
New Miscarriage of Justice by the Deep State Against Gen. Flynn
General Flynn’s case should be dismissed and forever done. Flynn should be able to rest easy and...
Motion to Dismiss Charges Against General Flynn: LEGAL ANALYSIS
Last week’s bombshell filing to dismiss the criminal charge against Defendant Michael Flynn shows...
Motion to Dismiss Charges Against General Flynn: THE SHOCKING FACTS
Last week’s meaty motion to dismiss the criminal information against Defendant Lt. General Michael...
SUPREME COURT WATCH: Religious Conscience Rights Under New Attacks by the Left
The radical left is not satisfied with live and let live. They have to make sure every knee bows to...
Mueller scope memo shows probe went beyond Russia, General Flynn targeted
They say that sunlight is the best disinfectant and we’re seeing a lot of sunlight on the...
Supreme Court split over allowing employers to opt out of providing birth control coverage for employees
The Supreme Court should correctly upload the contraception exceptions for the Little Sisters of...
FRAMING Flynn to Hold onto POWER
Is there anything worse than our government targeting and framing an innocent man...