Legal Issues • Radio Shows • Regulations Transgender Bathroom Directive Blocked by Texas August 23, 20161 min read A Texas judge blocked Obama’s transgender bathroom directive. I was on the Tom Roten Morning radio show to discuss. Tweet FacebookXPinterestEmailLinkedInWhatsApp
WEEK IN REVIEW: Bannon arrest, Guns & Biden/Kamala, DNC convention & blaming America, SCOTUS, Flynn This has been such a weird and unexpected year! Given the 2020 presidential election where...
Walk-Through CPAC 2020, PART 2 In Part 2, Gayle Trotter continues to take you along with her at this big event so you can...
Bullet Control in California Challenged Proposition 63, otherwise known as “gunmageddon,” is essentially bullet control...
Planned Parenthood vs the NRA According to liberals, the NRA buys off politicians in an effort to push a pro-gun agenda that...