Today on Right in DC I am excited to have David Harsanyi as my guest. He is a senior editor at The Federalist, where one of my good friends Mollie Hemingway also works, and he’s a nationally syndicated columnist. He is also the author of four books, including his most recent book published in October 2018 called, First Freedom: A Ride Through America’s Enduring History with the Gun.
In this interview, David and focus on his latest book and we discuss:
Why he wrote the book
- Why those most opposed to guns are the least knowledgeable about the history and technical aspects of guns
- Why he started off the book with the story of David and Goliath
- Why having space between you and your attacker or enemy is important
- The history of the development of the gun in America and the technical challenges
- Why it took a long time for the military to adopt a better gun
- The differences between hunting in Europe versus hunting in the New World and West toward the frontier
- The German-Americans in the 1700s and their role in the development of a big jump in firearm technology in America
- Annie Oakley, an amazing sharpshooter and advocate for women owning firearms
- How the National Rifle Association developed
- The technological advancement of guns since the Civil War
- His favorite gun and why he is more interested in the inventors
- What surprised him most when writing his book
His book is available at book stores and at Amazon in hardcover, Kindle or Audio CD.
More about David:
Twitter: @DavidHarsanyi
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist, a nationally syndicated columnist through Creators Syndicate, a Happy Warrior columnist at National Review and author of four books. His work has appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Weekly Standard, New York Post, RealClearPolitics, Reason, USA Today, and numerous other publications. He has appeared on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, NPR, ABC World News Tonight, NBC Nightly News and dozens of radio talk shows across the country.
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