Articles Interviews

Interview with Sebastian Gorka

My interview with Dr. Sebastian Gorka and our discussion of how the U.S. can defeat global jihadism and why the U.S. must defeat it. Read the interview on Sidewire or below:

Gayle Trotter, Right in DC
Dr. Gorka, thank you for joining me on Sidewire today! We will discuss Dr. Gorka’s newly released book, Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War. You can find Dr. Gorka’s book on Amazon here.

Sebastian Gorka, The Gorka Briefing
And also have a look at for LOTS of free national security info!

Gayle Trotter
Welcome! As you know, this is a brand new chat show, and you are my very first guest! I want to look back at history a bit.

Sebastian Gorka
Let’s do it!

Gayle Trotter
Tell me a little bit about a young man named Paul who was brave in difficult circumstances.

Sebastian Gorka
So Paul was a teenager went WWII broke out His country was eventually taken over the Rusisians and local Communists But he decided to resist

Gayle Trotter
How did he resist?

Sebastian Gorka
In college he organized a secret group of Christian patriots who would collect information about how the Communists where destroy his beloved nation of Hungary and get the truth out to the West

Gayle Trotter
He was eventually ratted out. Who was the British culprit responsible for Paul being exposed as a Hungarian patriot opposing communist rule?

Sebastian Gorka
None other than Kim Philby of MI6 One of the “Cambridge Apostles” the greatest traitors of the Cold War

Gayle Trotter
Did you learn about Paul from reading a nonfiction book about Hungary and communism, or did you learn Paul’s story another way?

Sebastian Gorka
Ah well, you see Paul was my father. He was liberated from a communist prison in the revolution of 1956 He escaped to England with a 17 year old girl who later become his wife and my mother!

Gayle Trotter
Your father! Were your father’s friends really executed in the internal courtyard of prison he was held in?

Sebastian Gorka
Yes That was one of the incredibly rare times I saw my father cry After communism fell we went back to Hungary He was invited to visit his former prison When he showed me the execution courtyard is was simply too much

Gayle Trotter
That is just heartbreaking to imagine that scene. What did you learn from the Hungarian experience of communism (through your father and your study of totalitarianism in the twentieth century) in relation to the threat we face today with global jihadism? Is there a parallel?

Sebastian Gorka
On sept 11 2001 I understood that the totalitarians are back. American had to defeat the Nazis in WWII Then we had to win the ideological Cold War with the Soviets Today we are again faced with a globally ambitious and totalitarian foe The Jihadists

Gayle Trotter
The US had a secret policy to defeat the Soviet Union — a 58 page top secret strategy. How can our policymakers today learn from the wisdom of that policy to defeat global jihadism today?

Sebastian Gorka
YES! I actually reproduce the original – now declassified – NSC68 in my book. Lessons: we must support those most in danger (in this case our Muslim allies like Jordan) And we must have a nationally coordinated COUNTERPROPAGANDA campaign

Gayle Trotter
Can we have an effective counterpropaganda campaign if our leaders refuse to identify it accurately? E.g., Egypt & Jordan know that Al Qaeda was using religion to fuel its war against the West & also Muslims who disagreed with its theocratic vision

Sebastian Gorka
NO. ABSOLUTELY NOT. You cannot defeat an enemy you do not understand And this administration simply does NOT get it.

Gayle Trotter
Do you think our European allies have the strength and ability to defeat global jihadism by themselves?

Sebastian Gorka
I believe some of the people in some of the nations do But most of their leaders do NOT!

Gayle Trotter
You write: “Osama Bin Laden’s great historical significance is he managed to change jihad from guerrilla warfare in faraway lands to the mass murder of civilians on the soil of Western nations.” Explain?

Sebastian Gorka
UBL was originally the dep head of the Arab Mujahedeen group MAK fighting the USSR in Afghanistan After the Soviets lost he murdered the head of the MAK and turned it into AQ Then came the 93 WTC attacks, the USS Cole, our embassy bombings and 9/11

Gayle Trotter
You refer to 1979 as a pivotal year in the jihad. We had American hostages taken in Iran, a siege on the Grand Mosque in Saudi and the USSR invasion of Afghanistan. What did the convergence of these events mean for the changing definition of jihad?

Sebastian Gorka
Together is meant that the reestablishment of Islamic theocracy is possible (Iran) That the infidel can be defeated (USSR) And elements of the Saudi elite, among others – helped export the ideology is global jihad

Gayle Trotter
We are at the end of our chat time today. Dr. Gorka thank you for joining me. You write, “Every American has a mission to execute.” My favorite of your suggestions is obtaining conceal carry licensure for those willing to take on the responsibility.

Sebastian Gorka
Only if you are prepared to take all the responsibility onboard that being a listened Concealed Carrier means. San Bernardino proves it. We are all on the front line of this war. Thank you for inviting me. Lots more in DEFEATING JIHAD!

Gayle Trotter
We only scratched the surface of this amazing book in our discussion today. Be sure to order and read Dr. Gorka’s book to learn more about how free nations can defeat this new totalitarian threat. Thank you again for joining us.

About the author

Gayle Trotter

Gayle Trotter is a ‘liberty-loving and tyranny-hating’ conservative attorney, political analyst and author with an insider’s view of Washington, DC. She is the host of RIGHT IN DC: The Gayle Trotter Show and is a frequent commentator on TV news such as NewsMax, OAN, EWTN, Daily Caller and Fox. She contributes to The Hill, The Daily Caller, Townhall and other well-known political websites, and is a frequent guest on radio shows across the country. Read More