Category - Video

The Immigration Debate

Senators Rubio and Cruz both say they have the best plan to fix America’s immigration system...

Freddie Gray Case

I discuss a trial in Baltimore related to the Freddie Gray case on WJLA’s News Talk: Tweet

From terror to Trump

Is the media dropping the ball by focusing on Trump rather than terrorism? I was on Fox’s...

Daily Wrap – Nov 2

I was on NewsMax-TV’s Daily Wrap show helping to recap the GOP debate. Click here to watch...

Daily Wrap – Oct 23

Should Donald increase his security in reaction to threats from violent and powerful criminals like...

The Daily Wrap

Gayle Trotter was a panelist on The Daily Wrap on Newsmax TV on October 8 and 9 discussing a...

Future of the GOP

I was a member of a panel of guests on CNN’s Anderson Cooper to review the Republican National...