Washington Examiner’s Steve Doty spoke with me about Trump’s speech at this...
Category - Video
The pundit war over Scalia seat
The fight to fill Justice Scalia’s seat is about nothing but raw power, and any appeal to...
Who will select the next Supreme Court Justice?
Will the people decide, or will a lame duck president leave a lasting legacy of a nominee who will...
The Immigration Debate
Senators Rubio and Cruz both say they have the best plan to fix America’s immigration system...
Sean Penn’s El Chapo sitdown
Sean Penn should stick with acting and staying in Hollywood. He is aiding and abetting a known...
Obama works media on guns
What to make of the media coverage of President Obama’s push for more regulations on law...
Chilling Effect on Gun Rights?
Do Obama’s executive actions create a chilling effect on the exercise of a fundamental...
Religious Neutrality and Religious Liberty
Should our federal government be neutral towards religion? Should we demand a naked public square...
Why won’t President Obama call it Islamic Terror
I discuss the San Bernardino terror investigation, the Chicago shooting and other issues with Dr...
Freddie Gray Case
I discuss a trial in Baltimore related to the Freddie Gray case on WJLA’s News Talk: Tweet
From terror to Trump
Is the media dropping the ball by focusing on Trump rather than terrorism? I was on Fox’s...
Are media pushing gun control?
The question for discussion on today’s MediaBuzz: are the media pushing gun control? First we...
Blaming pro-life rhetoric
Many are advancing the idea that pro-life advocacy and rhetoric among Republican politicians and...
FBI expands probe of Clinton emails
Have false statements been made to the FBI during their probe of Hillary Clinton’s email? I...
Tax Policies of GOP Candidates
I was on OANN’s Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler talking about what the recent GOP debate...
Daily Wrap – Nov 2
I was on NewsMax-TV’s Daily Wrap show helping to recap the GOP debate. Click here to watch...
Sparks Fly with Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing
Gayle Trotter & Dr. Gina Loudon, host of “America Trends with Dr. Gina,” discuss...
Daily Wrap – Oct 23
Should Donald increase his security in reaction to threats from violent and powerful criminals like...
The Daily Wrap
Gayle Trotter was a panelist on The Daily Wrap on Newsmax TV on October 8 and 9 discussing a...
Trump’s Tax Plan
Donald Trump’s tax plan is surprisingly good. Here’s why. Tweet
Defunding Obamacare
I spoke on CBN News regarding defunding Obamacare. Tweet
Why are Women’s Groups Silent on Anthony Weiner?
Your browser does not support iframes. I joined Tara Setmayer, fill-in host for The Glenn Beck...
The Federal Surveillance Program
I discussed the federal surveillance program on CBN News in June 2013. Tweet
Gun Background Checks – Piers Morgan Show
I was on CNN’s Piers Morgan Live show discussing gun background checks and other related...
Future of the GOP
I was a member of a panel of guests on CNN’s Anderson Cooper to review the Republican National...