The never-ending train wreck scandals of Anthony Weiner draws attention away from the real scandals...
Category - Video
Princeton University dictates gender neutral language
The elite, ivy league school has rules for what words can be used in documents so that it is not...
Debate over healing the racial divide in America
What should America do about violence? Are new gun laws the answer in a nation with over 20,000 gun...
The Supreme Court Decisions
The Supreme Court has just a few cases remaining to decide before the term ends. I discussed the...
Trump and the 2016 Election
Did Donald Trump help or hurt himself by using a TelePrompTer last week? One America News Network...
Hillary goes nuclear on Trump
I analyzed Hillary Clinton’s speech about Donald Trump’s foreign policy on Fox News...
Media lack zeal in Clinton email scandal
Where is the zeal by the media for the Hillary Clinton email scandal? I was on Fox News Media Buzz...
Would Trump Debating Bernie Help Or Hurt Hillary?
Did Donald Trump make right decision not to debate Bernie Sanders? I say yes. I was on Fox Business...
President Obama’s Hiroshima Speech: Wrong On History & Foreign Policy
President Obama’s speech at Hiroshima last week demonstrated why he is wrong on global...
Attorneys General in four states go after 90 groups debating climate change
The attorneys general of NY, Massachusetts, California and the Virgin Islands are on a fishing...
Oklahoma Abortion Debate
Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade end the national abortion debate in America...
Transgender Bathroom Debate
What are three reasons why the Obama Administration was wrong to issue its letter on transgender...
Media’s Trump credibility gap
The press isn’t overstating things by describing a GOP meltdown and revolt over Trump’s...
Trump and Cruz Political Update
Is Hillary’s “woman card” enough to qualify her for the highest office in the...
Women’s Right to Choose Self-Protection
Guns make women safer. This is an uncomfortable fact for opponents of the second amendment to our...
Trump and Transgender Bathrooms
Ted Cruz’s transgender bathroom ad calls out Donald Trump who doesn’t seem to mind...
MediaBuzz – April 10
Howard Kurtz, NPR’s Mara Liasson and USA Today’s Heidi Pryzbyla and I discussed the...
TV News Ratings Soar
Network ratings are soaring during this presidential election cycle! What makes this contest...
Terror dominates campaign
Terrorists attack in the west, killing and injuring many. Media goes wall-to wall with 24/7...
The Reality TV Show Presidential Campaign
Donald Trump is an unconventional candidate who is willing to go where others will not go. Ignoring...
Hillary’s pundit problem
Are liberal pundits down on Hillary Clinton? Howard Kurtz of Fox Media Buzz and I talk about this...
The Stop-Trump Drive
Talking about riots: “this is nothing new in politics. You might remember that President...
Clinton’s candidacy at risk over email scandal?
They say where there is smoke, there is fire, and the email scandal engulfing Hillary Clinton...
Establishment pounds Trump
Has the media coverage of Trump and the Republican presidential contest been fair? How did women...
How Nancy Reagan’s image changed
One of the most elegant and consequential First Ladies in American history has passed away. We...