Category - Campaigns

The Immigration Debate

Senators Rubio and Cruz both say they have the best plan to fix America’s immigration system...

The Iowa Caucus

So far, Cruz ahead of Trump and dead heat between “I deleted the truth” Clinton and...

The Presidential Race

The only thing inevitable about primaries is that nothing is inevitable. I discuss the fascinating...

From terror to Trump

Is the media dropping the ball by focusing on Trump rather than terrorism? I was on Fox’s...

The Milwaukee GOP Debate

I discussed the recent Republican debate in Milwaukee on the Michael Koolidge radio show. (43 min)...

Daily Wrap – Nov 2

I was on NewsMax-TV’s Daily Wrap show helping to recap the GOP debate. Click here to watch...

Daily Wrap – Oct 23

Should Donald increase his security in reaction to threats from violent and powerful criminals like...

Biden Exits Race

Dr. Drew talks with me about Joe Biden’s decision not to run for president in 2016. Has...