I spoke with Jennifer Marshall about the challenges of being single in the twenty-first century. ...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Spoon in the Blender
I spoke with Emily Colson about her inspiring and often hilarious book, Dancing with Max: A Mother...
Priest Squares Off With Atheists
I spoke with Father Thomas Williams LC about his book, Greater Than You Think. Father Williams, an...
Hidden Disabilities in the Body of Christ
I spoke with Shannon Royce, President & C.E.O. of ChosenFamilies.org. Prior to founding the...
Tweeting the Inner Ring
The desire to be a part of the “inner ring” and the “terror of being left outside” is a chief...
Russell Shaw Discusses Writing the Way
I spoke with Russell Shaw about his book Writing the Way: The Story of a Spiritual Classic. Shaw...
Weird Sisters: Interview with Eleanor Brown
I spoke with Eleanor Brown about her excellent and poignant debut novel, The Weird Sisters. The...
City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era
I spoke with Peter Wehner, co-author of City of Man: Religion and Politics in a New Era. Peter...
Thomas Fowler Discusses the Evolution Controversy
I talked with Thomas Fowler about The Evolution Controversy, a book surveying the competing...
Truths About Living and Truths About Dying
I interviewed George Weigel about The End and the Beginning, the newly released second part of his...
Spiritual Repotting
I interviewed Ginger Pape, author of Repotting: 10 Steps for Redesigning Your Life. Click here to...
Pondering the Seminary with Dr. Mark Olson
I interviewed Dr. Mark Olson, president of the John Leland Center for Theological Studies in Falls...
Exploring the Canon with Dr. Mark Olson
The following is a transcript of part one of Gayle Trotter’s podcast interview with Dr. Mark Olson...
The Measure of All Things
Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen recently asked the HBS class of 2010, and the readers...
My Virtual 60-Foot Sailboat
A neighbor kindly introduced me to another neighbor I had not yet met. After hearing where I live...
A Matter of Life and Death
HBO tells us “You Don’t Know Jack,” referring to Jack Kevorkian, played by Al Pacino in HBO’s...