Author - Gayle Trotter

Decision to Upload AFA

My reaction to the decision on the ruling 5-4 to uphold the Affordable Care Act. On WUSA-9 NEWS NOW...

The Great Tension We Face

Today I’m speaking with Jay Milbrandt, author of Go and Do: Daring to Change the World One Story at...

Faith Without a Hitch

Today I’m speaking with Larry Taunton, author of The Grace Effect: How the Power of One Life Can...

Love, America Style

Gayle recently spoke with Paul Hollander, author of Extravagant Expectations: New Ways to Find...

Bucking Buckley’s rule

Is it time for the Buckley Rule to go the way of geocentricism, spontaneous generation and alchemy...

“Buy More” Children?

Gayle spoke with Bryan Caplan, professor of Economics at George Mason University, about his new...