Only in the upside-down, Orwellian doublespeak of Washington would proposed federal legislation...
Author - Gayle Trotter
The future must not belong to those who blame America
The future may not belong to 15-year-old Malala Yousafzai. An outspoken advocate of education for...
It is Impossible to Balance the Budget Given the Current Levels of Spending
Why is it that any mother understands a basic concept that our federal government does not? The...
Antidote to Fast Living
Today I am speaking with Dr. Matthew Sleeth, author of the book 24/6: a Prescription for a...
This November, cling to your gun rights
“I’m here by myself with my infant baby,” the slight, 18-year-old widow told the 911 dispatcher...
President Obama, government cannot create wealth, only business can create wealth
“If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that,” President Obama told supporters in...
Naked power and compromised logic
Is there anything interesting in Time magazine’s fawning coverage of the chief justice’s Obamacare...
The Supreme Court’s taxing power
Last April, after multiple days of Supreme Court arguments in the Obamacare case, I wrote about the...
Decision to Upload AFA
My reaction to the decision on the ruling 5-4 to uphold the Affordable Care Act. On WUSA-9 NEWS NOW...
Mothers and Combat Service
“More than 130 American women in military service have died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. More...
The Great Tension We Face
Today I’m speaking with Jay Milbrandt, author of Go and Do: Daring to Change the World One Story at...
Rep. Adams Proposes VAWA Fix
Sandy Adams left her abusive marriage with only her three-year old daughter and their clothes. ...
CDC’s Wasteful Weight of the Nation Conference
This week, your tax dollars will pay for regulators and media types to decide how to make you...
There Are Real Reasons to Oppose VAWA
You might wonder who could oppose the Violence Against Women Act. Is anybody in favor of violence...
Rep. Sandy Adams Knows What It Takes to Succeed
You might wonder why a member of Congress would lament high gas prices. But if you wonder that...
Obamacare and the Supreme Court: What’s at stake
Last week, the Supreme Court heard arguments on whether Obamacare exceeds the federal government’s...
Faith Without a Hitch
Today I’m speaking with Larry Taunton, author of The Grace Effect: How the Power of One Life Can...
Love, America Style
Gayle recently spoke with Paul Hollander, author of Extravagant Expectations: New Ways to Find...
Redemption of a White House Insider
Gayle recently spoke with Timothy S. Goeglein, author of The Man in the Middle: An Inside Account...
Bucking Buckley’s rule
Is it time for the Buckley Rule to go the way of geocentricism, spontaneous generation and alchemy...
The Better Part: Fr. John Bartunek Shares Our Journey
Gayle recently spoke with Father John Bartunek, a priest in the order of the Legion of Christ, a...
Is “Christian” the New “Gay”?
Gayle recently spoke with D. Michael Lindsay, sociologist, newly appointed president of Gordon...
Can Buddhists Teach Christians?
Gayle spoke with Dr. Leo D. Lefebure, professor of theology at Georgetown University. Gayle...
“Buy More” Children?
Gayle spoke with Bryan Caplan, professor of Economics at George Mason University, about his new...
Rick Santorum’s Constituency of One
I spoke with former Senator Rick Santorum about faith, politics, the presidency, and life. Click...