The decisive midterm election results have done little to affect President Obama’s determination to...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Iraqi Ambassador to the US: We Must Cleanse Iraq of ISIS
My interview with Lukman Faily, Iraq’s Ambassador to the United States, about his perspective...
Bret Baier: The Battles on Capitol Hill can Seem Pretty Silly in the Big Picture
My recent interview with Bret Baier, and his new book “Special Heart: A Journey of Faith...
Obama cannot blame CIA for ‘torture’ and claim credit for killing bin Laden
The release of a partisan Senate report on the CIA’s past interrogation program has renewed the...
A renewed focus on Obama’s foreign policy failures
With the White House gearing up to advance the confirmation of its nominee for secretary of...
Yes… Conservatives Have a Sense of Humor
My interview with Jonathan Last, about his new book: Gayle Trotter: I am speaking with Jonathan...
Regulators and Bureaucrats Vs The Soup Nazi
Episode 115 of “Seinfeld” featured a gruff entrepreneur who ran a soup stand offering the best soup...
In the Senate, campaign finance is the new flag burning
Recently, the U.S. Senate voted overwhelmingly to shut down a Republican filibuster on a resolution...
The Yoga Tax: It Doesn’t Make Sense
“Perplexed” best describes many Washington, DC residents’ reaction a new feature...
The ISIS Speech Obama Would Have Given In An Alternate Universe
Somewhere in an alternate universe, White House speechwriters prepared this address for President...
As the World Burns: Obama’s “Stupid Stuff” Foreign Policy and its Disastrous Effects
The crowded stadium roars its approval — “Allah is great!” — as a man shoots a woman in...
Fix the tax code to stop offshore exodus of US companies
“As he grew rich he grew greedy; and thinking to get at once all the gold the goose could...
How women have suffered under Obama’s policies
Despite the Obama administration’s heavy reliance on support from American women to advance the...
Senators decide federal bench has room for both Barron and Bybee, authors of controversial memos
Last week, David Barron won Senate confirmation to a lifetime appointment as a judge for the First...
Hillary Clinton still must answer for Benghazi
Hillary Clinton’s forthcoming book, “Hard Choices,” promises readers an...
Tax Day: Where Does All the Money Go?
Today, Americans will file approximately 143,600,000 federal individual income tax returns to...
Smidgen of Corruption in Christine O’Donnell IRS Case
Citizens who flout the Internal Revenue Service face the prospect of jail, but when the IRS flouts...
Will Obama’s Hillarycare Be Orphaned?
In all the furor over the Affordable Care Act, one person has largely escaped public scrutiny for...
Jahi McMath case highlights Obamacare’s increasing control over life and death
Intractably painful life-or-death medical and legal disputes will become even more gut-wrenching...
McAuliffe Campaigns, and Would Probably Govern Just Like Obama
As Ken Cuccinelli and Terry McAuliffe pull neck and neck in Virginia’s gubernatorial race, GOP...
Chilling dissent over Guantanamo policy
The U.S. prison for enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, should not succumb once again to...
Defunding Obamacare
I spoke on CBN News regarding defunding Obamacare. Tweet
Just what the doctor ordered: Terminate Obamacare
Will a doctor help kill Obamacare? Granted, he is a doctor of jurisprudence, not a doctor of...
Obama’s New World Disorder
The end of the Cold War provided an opportunity for a reshuffling of historic alliances and power...
Why are Women’s Groups Silent on Anthony Weiner?
Your browser does not support iframes. I joined Tara Setmayer, fill-in host for The Glenn Beck...