The question for discussion on today’s MediaBuzz: are the media pushing gun control? First we...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Blaming pro-life rhetoric
Many are advancing the idea that pro-life advocacy and rhetoric among Republican politicians and...
Self-Defense Against Jihadists
I discussed gun self-defense against Islamic terrorists on the Michael Koolidge radio show as well...
Five Things You Did Not Know About Vice President Dick Cheney
Former vice president Dick Cheney underwent ten hours of no-holds-barred questioning by James...
Fighting ISIS in DC with concealed carry
Following the recent Paris attacks, the Islamic State recently announced its intention to “strike...
Congress votes on Syrian Refugee Bill
My take on the House Syrian refugee bill and I answer callers questions on the Dr. Drew radio show...
Vetting Syrian Refugees to the US
Chip Franklin, a feisty radio show host and I got into it regarding the Syrian refugee vetting...
FBI expands probe of Clinton emails
Have false statements been made to the FBI during their probe of Hillary Clinton’s email? I...
Defending Against ISIS in Washington, DC
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria announced its goal to stage a Paris-style attack in our...
The Milwaukee GOP Debate
I discussed the recent Republican debate in Milwaukee on the Michael Koolidge radio show. (43 min)...
‘YouTube world’ brings ‘deeply disturbing’ crime surge, but deters bad cops
In a recent speech, FBI director James Comey described “something deeply disturbing”...
Republicans All Agree We Need Tax Reform, But Senator Ted Cruz’s Plan Holds The Most Promise
If nothing is certain in life except death and taxes, perhaps it’s time to euthanize our tax system...
Tax Policies of GOP Candidates
I was on OANN’s Tipping Point with Liz Wheeler talking about what the recent GOP debate...
Daily Wrap – Nov 2
I was on NewsMax-TV’s Daily Wrap show helping to recap the GOP debate. Click here to watch...
Sparks Fly with Hillary Clinton at Benghazi Hearing
Gayle Trotter & Dr. Gina Loudon, host of “America Trends with Dr. Gina,” discuss...
How the Next Speaker Could Destroy Our Social Safety Net
Thom Hartmann debates Gayle Trotter on the Thom Hartmann radio show. (10 min) Tweet
Interview with author of America in Retreat: The New Isolationism and the Coming Global Disorder
I interviewed Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bret Stephens about his book, America in Retreat: The...
Daily Wrap – Oct 23
Should Donald increase his security in reaction to threats from violent and powerful criminals like...
The real reason everyone should care about the next Speaker
For most Americans, all of the wrangling over who will be the next Speaker of the House has about...
Biden Exits Race
Dr. Drew talks with me about Joe Biden’s decision not to run for president in 2016. Has...
The Daily Wrap
Gayle Trotter was a panelist on The Daily Wrap on Newsmax TV on October 8 and 9 discussing a...
Wage Gap Between Men and Women
Dr. Drew talks with Gayle Trotter about the wage gap between men and women. Tweet
The Candidates and Foreign Policy
The 2016 presidential election offers a new beginning for U.S. foreign policy. Instead of resorting...
Trump’s Tax Plan
Donald Trump’s tax plan is surprisingly good. Here’s why. Tweet
How do you spot a hero?
Join Gayle as she sits down with author Tod Lindberg to flesh out what it means to be a hero. From...