I discuss the role women played in the New Hampshire primaries results on Radio America Online News...
Author - Gayle Trotter
The Immigration Debate
Senators Rubio and Cruz both say they have the best plan to fix America’s immigration system...
The Iowa Caucus
So far, Cruz ahead of Trump and dead heat between “I deleted the truth” Clinton and...
The Presidential Race
The only thing inevitable about primaries is that nothing is inevitable. I discuss the fascinating...
Obama Moves To ‘Counter Violent Extremism’ While Political Correctness Kills
With the usual fanfare, President Obama has established a task force to direct efforts by the...
Tyranny always follows the confiscation of firearms
On the Steve Deace radio show, I link the history of gun control with tyranny. Tweet
Obama’s War on Guns
Chuck Wilder of Talk Back radio show and I had an in-depth discussion about President Obama’s...
Journalists criticize Sean Penn’s meeting with drug baron ‘El Chapo’
AFP news service wrote an article about the political and media reaction to Sean Penn’s...
Sean Penn’s El Chapo sitdown
Sean Penn should stick with acting and staying in Hollywood. He is aiding and abetting a known...
Obama works media on guns
What to make of the media coverage of President Obama’s push for more regulations on law...
Executive Orders or Emotional Oration?
On Gun Freedom Radio talking about President Obama’s gun control speech and why we need...
CNN Townhall on Guns
I joined the Bill Meyer Radio Show to talk about the Obama and the CNN Townhall on gun control...
Chilling Effect on Gun Rights?
Do Obama’s executive actions create a chilling effect on the exercise of a fundamental...
Will New Gun Control Laws Make Us Safer?
Sean Hannity and I agree that Obama’s recently announced executive actions will not make...
Michael Koolidge Show – Jan 8
I always enjoy being on the Michael Koolidge radio show discussing all things politics and some...
Obama’s Gun Grab: First Step in Confiscation?
What is the Obama administration’s real agenda on gun control? I discuss this with Lars...
Where Tyranny Thrives: History Shows Obama’s Push To Limit Gun Rights Is First Step To Genocide And Oppression
The White House has announced that President Obama is working to adopt executive orders that will...
Cairo’s surprising culture of entrepreneurship
CAIRO – After four years at the epicenter of revolution and cultural struggle, this city may...
Chip Franklin Show – Jan 5
President Obama started off the new year with a press for more gun control. Chip Franklin and I go...
Religious Neutrality and Religious Liberty
Should our federal government be neutral towards religion? Should we demand a naked public square...
Why won’t President Obama call it Islamic Terror
I discuss the San Bernardino terror investigation, the Chicago shooting and other issues with Dr...
Freddie Gray Case
I discuss a trial in Baltimore related to the Freddie Gray case on WJLA’s News Talk: Tweet
From terror to Trump
Is the media dropping the ball by focusing on Trump rather than terrorism? I was on Fox’s...
Analysis of Obama’s San Bernardino Speech
Underwhelming. Radio talk show host Andrea Kaye and I talked about President’s Obama’s...
Best Reaction to Obama’s Speech
Who had the best reaction to President Obama’s speech to the nation last night? Among the...