I was on Gun Freedom Radio talking about why guns make women safer, the need to educate people on...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Media’s Trump credibility gap
The press isn’t overstating things by describing a GOP meltdown and revolt over Trump’s...
Trump and Cruz Political Update
Is Hillary’s “woman card” enough to qualify her for the highest office in the...
Women’s Right to Choose Self-Protection
Guns make women safer. This is an uncomfortable fact for opponents of the second amendment to our...
Cruz-Kaisch “Collusion”
Is the Cruz-Kasich alliance a sign of weakness, or strength? I join the Andrea Kaye Show to discuss...
Media Bias Run Amok
Today’s media bias is harming the journalistic ethic of the mainstream media but also harming...
Trump and Transgender Bathrooms
Ted Cruz’s transgender bathroom ad calls out Donald Trump who doesn’t seem to mind...
As Presidential Primaries Continue, Media Hysteria And Fear-Mongering Enter High Gear
“Likeable enough?” asks the condescending cover of Time magazine’s new issue. Inside, a piece...
MediaBuzz – April 10
Howard Kurtz, NPR’s Mara Liasson and USA Today’s Heidi Pryzbyla and I discussed the...
TV News Ratings Soar
Network ratings are soaring during this presidential election cycle! What makes this contest...
Terror dominates campaign
Terrorists attack in the west, killing and injuring many. Media goes wall-to wall with 24/7...
The Reality TV Show Presidential Campaign
Donald Trump is an unconventional candidate who is willing to go where others will not go. Ignoring...
RNC Strategy
Donald Trump is in my town, Washington, DC, to talk strategy with establishment Republicans and to...
Hillary’s pundit problem
Are liberal pundits down on Hillary Clinton? Howard Kurtz of Fox Media Buzz and I talk about this...
The Stop-Trump Drive
Talking about riots: “this is nothing new in politics. You might remember that President...
The Battle for the Supreme Court
The new battle plan by the Obama White House to attack the most vulnerable Republican Senators and...
Clinton’s candidacy at risk over email scandal?
They say where there is smoke, there is fire, and the email scandal engulfing Hillary Clinton...
Scalia’s empty chair and the Senate’s path forward
The late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia established himself and will long be remembered as a...
Establishment pounds Trump
Has the media coverage of Trump and the Republican presidential contest been fair? How did women...
How Nancy Reagan’s image changed
One of the most elegant and consequential First Ladies in American history has passed away. We...
Trump’s CPAC dilemma
Washington Examiner’s Steve Doty spoke with me about Trump’s speech at this...
The pundit war over Scalia seat
The fight to fill Justice Scalia’s seat is about nothing but raw power, and any appeal to...
Apple and the FBI
Are software companies heroes for resisting law enforcement efforts via court order to access...
Who will select the next Supreme Court Justice?
Will the people decide, or will a lame duck president leave a lasting legacy of a nominee who will...
Women and Hillary Clinton
Is there a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women? Madeline Albright...