Gayle Trotter, Right in DC We are pleased to host Congressman David Brat today on Sidewire’s...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Debate over healing the racial divide in America
What should America do about violence? Are new gun laws the answer in a nation with over 20,000 gun...
FBI’s Clinton Email Investigation Outcome
Do laws only apply to the ‘little people’ and not the elite? On the Andrea Kaye radio...
Michael Koolidge Show – July 1
Bill Clinton met privately with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to “talk about his new...
Gayleforce: Interview with tech entrepreneur Christopher Schroeder
On Sidewire, I interviewed author and entrepreneurship advocate Christopher Schroeder: Gayle...
BREXIT and the US
BREXIT shows a rejection of unaccountable and anti-democratic elite technocrats hampering the...
The Supreme Court Decisions
The Supreme Court has just a few cases remaining to decide before the term ends. I discussed the...
House Democrats are acting like a bunch of children
The business of the U.S. House is suspended as Democrats continue a sit-in over guns. They are...
Gayleforce: Interview with strategist and Georgetown University professor Ron Christie
On Sidewire, Ron Christie and I talked about the minimum wage proposals in DC and at the national...
Trump and the 2016 Election
Did Donald Trump help or hurt himself by using a TelePrompTer last week? One America News Network...
Hillary goes nuclear on Trump
I analyzed Hillary Clinton’s speech about Donald Trump’s foreign policy on Fox News...
Media lack zeal in Clinton email scandal
Where is the zeal by the media for the Hillary Clinton email scandal? I was on Fox News Media Buzz...
Interview with Sebastian Gorka
My interview with Dr. Sebastian Gorka and our discussion of how the U.S. can defeat global jihadism...
Interview on Janet Parshall radio show
The US government is using litigation as policy making. I talk more about the findings in my...
Interview with Bret Stephens
I interviewed Pulitzer Prize-winning author Bret Stephens. His recent book is entitled America in...
Would Trump Debating Bernie Help Or Hurt Hillary?
Did Donald Trump make right decision not to debate Bernie Sanders? I say yes. I was on Fox Business...
President Obama’s Hiroshima Speech: Wrong On History & Foreign Policy
President Obama’s speech at Hiroshima last week demonstrated why he is wrong on global...
Govt treats climate deniers like racketeers
US Attorney General office’s in four states now use federal racketeering statues to go after...
Attorneys General in four states go after 90 groups debating climate change
The attorneys general of NY, Massachusetts, California and the Virgin Islands are on a fishing...
Freedom of Speech Lacking on Campuses
Should colleges fire professors and dis-invite esteemed speakers from campus lectures because some...
Media Denial of Climate Change Thuggery
What happens when top state legal authorities attempt to use their powers of office to shut down...
Michael Koolidge Show – May 20
Abuse of executive authority, a federal attempt to takeover local zoning laws, the latest on the...
Oklahoma Abortion Debate
Did the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade end the national abortion debate in America...
Transgender Bathroom Debate
What are three reasons why the Obama Administration was wrong to issue its letter on transgender...
Bathroom Laws, Women In The Workplace And High Heels
What are the problems with President Obama’s recent pronouncement on transgenderism in public...