Today my guest is Dr. Gina Loudon, a good friend of mine. We met first in LA in 2011 at the TALKERS...
Author - Gayle Trotter
Supreme Court Declines to Hear Planned Parenthood Medicaid Funding Case
It’s disappointing that the justices decided not to take up this case because even though...
Cohen Sentencing; Senate Confirms First Judicial Nominee in Two Months
Watch the latest video at I was on Fox News “Fox & Friends FIRST” to discuss the...
Interview with Newly-Elected Congressman Chip Roy
My guest today on RIGHT IN DC is Chip Roy. Chip is a longtime friend of mine and I would call him...
Interview with Andrew McCarthy on Manafort, Mueller and the Farce Investigation
On RIGHT IN DC today, I’m so excited that my guest is my good friend Andy McCarthy. I’m...
Paul Manafort denies meeting with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange
Watch the latest video at I was on the Kennedy show on Fox News to discuss The...
U.S.-Saudi Relations
I was on NPR’s All Things Considered with Kimberly Atkins of the Boston Herald and show host...
Interview with Matt K. Lewis: Saving Conservatism
My guest today on RIGHT IN DC is Matt K. Lewis, senior columnist for the Daily Beast, a CNN...
Politicization of Justice
I joined Stacy Washington on her radio show, Stacy on the Right, on Urban Family Talk Radio to...
Interview with Author David Harsanyi – The History of Guns in America
Today on Right in DC I am excited to have David Harsanyi as my guest. He is a senior editor at...
Should Americans be concerned about Florida’s vote counting controversy?
Why weren’t Florida counties better prepared for a very close election or series of elections...
Fallout from the Voting Recount
I was on Fox News with Neil Cavuto to talk about the voting recount. CAVUTO: . . . Now to the...
Young Black Leadership Summit showcases an historic shift in conservative politics
Just steps from Capitol Hill, the crowd in the hotel ballroom grew anxious and the excitement...
Will Trump name flood of judges to fill federal vacancies?
The election results Tuesday night were a clear mandate for the Trump administration and the Senate...
RIGHT IN DC: Sheila Wenz – Teaching People to Become Standup Comedians
My guest today on my Right in DC podcast is Sheila Wenz who is the founder of Stand-Up...
Today is a great day for all Americans who believe in the rule of law
It’s great to call him Justice Kavanagh today. He’s going to be another great Justice...
Inconsistencies in Ford’s Testimony
I was on the Randy Tobler Radio Show on NewsTalk 917.1 in St. Louis, MO to discuss the Kavanaugh...
Investigation of Kavanaugh is a Delay Tactic
I was on Michael Smerconish’s show on CNN to discuss the Kavanaugh hearings: SMERCONISH: Do you...
Discussing the Kavanaugh Hearings
I was on Washington, DC’s WMAL “Mornings on the Mall” radio show to discuss the Kavanaugh hearings:...
Breitbart News Daily
I was on Breitbart News Daily to discuss the latest events in the Kavanaugh hearings: Tweet
Allegations are Unsubstantiated and Discredited
On Fox & Friends again to talk about the recent allegations against Judge Kavanaugh: “As the...
The Accusers’ Last Act
I was on The Ingraham Angle on Fox News to talk about the Kavanaugh accusers: INGRAHAM: Joining me...
Democrats have “jumped the shark”
I was on the The Drew Mariani radio show on Relevant Radio to discuss how the Democrats have...
Brett Kavanaugh
On the Ross Kaminksy radio show on iHeart Radio, I discussed Brett Kavanaugh and his reputation...
Lawyers for Kavanaugh’s accuser say she will testify
Chuck Schumer said right before Kavanaugh’s name was even released by President Donald Trump...